Meredith Tamminga

Meredith Tamminga

Associate Professor

University of Pennsylvania


I am an Associate Professor and the Graduate Chair of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. I direct the Language Variation and Cognition Lab and am a lead researcher on the Philadelphia Signs Project and an Associate Editor at Glossa Psycholinguistics. I’m also affiliated with three initiatives at MindCORE, Penn’s hub for the integrative study of the mind: the Social and Behavioral Sciences Initiative, the Social and Cultural Evolution Working Group, and Integrated Language Sciences and Technology.


  • Sociolinguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Language change


  • PhD in Linguistics, 2014

    University of Pennsylvania

  • BA in Linguistics, 2009

    McGill University

Recent publications

Affix priming with variable ING in English: Implications for unique vs. dual representation

Phonetics-phonology mapping in the generalization of perceptual learning

Dialect experience modulates cue reliance in sociolinguistic convergence

Sociophonetics and signed languages

Intra- and interspeaker repetitiveness in Chengdu Mandarin locative variation


  • 215-898-7473
  • Suite 300C, 3401 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
  • Enter at 3417 Walnut and take the elevator to the third floor. In Suite 300C, go past the Linguistics main office to the end of the hall, then take a left, then a right. My office is Room 316C.